Friday, January 9, 2009

First Post

One is forced to wonder why Blago, thought he had a chance to survive in office after this scandal broke.  Certainly, pissing off the Democratic leadership of the Illinois legislature, United States Senate, and the President-elect would not fit into my plan for helping Blago keep his job.  Of course this sort of behavior isn't very unique.  Just look ant how Ted Stevens and Kwame Kilpatrick have acted in the past 4 months.  
I would think that self-preservation would overtake these politicians egos once they have been caught, maybe after successfully holding power and abusing for so long they lose sight of their own vulnerability.  It should be noted that Eliot Spitzer had the class presence of mind to resign after his significantly more minor scandal broke out.  


  1. He doesn't strike me as a man terribly in touch with reality. He was contemplating a presidential run when he approval in his home state was in the single digits.

  2. Illinois has a history with this. Remember when Alan Keys moved their to run against Obama?

  3. Hello, alex. I have a thought on Blago. He seemed incapable of interacting with anyone else. He continued to live in Chicago, far away from Illinois government in springfield. he had gone for over a year without even talking to his lieutenant governor, who replaced him. He didn't consult or negotiate with members of the legislature. He lived in a bubble, and it burst. It was pathetic to see him in the last days saying that his enemies were against him because he was standing up for the people of Illinois. At least Spitzer could tell that someone had flushed the toilet.
    ron stockton, UM-Dearborn
