Wednesday, January 21, 2009

These happy days

We (possibly just me until I build a readership) now have the first executive orders from Obama to scrutinize. The freeze on Bush's midnight regulations and trials in Guantanamo while they undergo legal review is good. But what about the freeze on White House staffers pay? I have always felt that the low pay offered to state and federal workers is the primary reason that there is a revolving door between Government and corporate lobbying. Why should someone who could make $500,000 a year working in compliance for an investment bank be forced to make only $60k for a boss (Obama) who is worth million of dollars.
This low pay seems to lead to more insidious results as well, with pay relatively low for people of the skill and ability that a White House job demands, two kinds of people will be especially drawn to these jobs: Those who crave power, and those who are already rich. That's a shame

On the inauguration:
While Rick Warren wasn't a bright spot, I can accept a large portion of American's follow and respect him. One redeeming factor is that the first openly gay Episcopal Bishop V. Gene Robinson gave the invocation at the lincoln memorial. Too bad HBO censored it out of the broadcast.

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